
#WBW - Epicurean Raspberries, c. 1930

#WBW - Epicurean Raspberries, c. 1930

Way Back Wednesday #1 - Learn to make a fast, easy, and beautiful seasonal dessert, as featured in the Good Housekeeping Institute's 1930 cookbook, "Meals Tested, Tasted, and Approved."

Baked Aprium and Strawberry Treat

Baked Aprium and Strawberry Treat

Have you ever gone to the grocery and stumbled upon a food that is completely new to you?

Well, I have.  In fact, one of my favorite things to do it to find some magnificent new food, buy it, and then figure out a way to turn it into something delicious!  This weekend, I got lucky.  While perusing the produce section at Costco, I ran into my friend (and also the produce manager!) who asked if I had seen the apriums.  

"The what?" I responded, intrigued.

"Apriums," he said, "like a cross between an apricot and a plum."