Food Smarts Nutrition offers a variety of services for adults and children. Medical nutrition therapy is available for those with complex medical needs; as well as nutrition counseling and coaching for those seeking guidance for health gains and general wellness. All services are provided by a fully-licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. This means you are assured the highest level of nutritional expertise and evidence-based care, customized for your specific needs.
Services include:
Eating Disorder Care
Intuitive Eating Counseling
Person-Centered Wellness Coaching
Meal Supervision & Support
Group Classes & Cooking Demonstrations
Guided Grocery Shopping
Interdisciplinary Care Planning & Coordination
In-Home Cooking Lessons
Virtual visits are available for through a secure, private, telehealth portal. Some complex services may not be provided via virtual visits. In these cases, efforts will be made to refer you to a provider in your area who can help.
For more information on any service or to schedule an appointment, please use the online contact option, or call/text (502) 709-8609.